Tungsram Trójai Kocka

2018 In collaboration with Laboratory Group


Tungsram came to Laboratory Group with a challenge to develop a new, innovative way to recruit workforce for their headquarters in Budapest. We came up with an idea that took the process into the real world: with a large, projection-on-canvas based textile cube that used lasers to detect pressure as a homemade touchscreen.

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Case study produced by Laboratory Group


I was lucky enough to be included from the first branstorming sessions, I had the opportunity to figure out how to solve this unique challenge. We had to come up with a new idea beyond the usual. So we opted for a new kind of touchscreen: one made of fabric.

The cube was equipped with lights, a speaker and and inviting tone for everyone to try it out. Using lasers, a fabric and a projector we came up with a fabric touchscreen, that was just a joy to interact with.

The users were presented with a series of questions, each trying to pinpoint certain personality traits. The best results were awarded with a job offer: all they had to do was scan a QR code and apply on their mobile phones.




The unique approach to recruiting was a tremendous success on campus and the applications for the positions were way beyond than expected.